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Center for Inverse Design

The Center for Inverse Design (CID) was a first-generation (2009–2014) Energy Frontier Research Center funded by the U.S. Department of Energy Office of Science. To address a crucial scientific grand challenge, the Center developed and utilized a new approach to material science. As shown in the figure below, rather than using the conventional direct approach ("Given the structure, find the electronic properties"), we used a "materials by inverse design" approach ("Given the desired property, find the structure").

Illustration that has an electronic band diagram on the left (one curved line concave upward and two curved lines concave downward) and an atomic model on the right (red and blue balls in a crystal structure).

Comparison of the "materials by inverse design" approach (left to right) versus the conventional approach (right to left)

The target properties of interest include general semiconductor optical and electrical properties; the desired materials functionalities include electron- and hole-conductive transparent conductors, solar absorbers, and nanostructures forenergy sustainability. Our predictions of materials are examined iteratively by various synthetic approaches, including high-throughput parallel materials science.

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About the Center

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This page describes our inverse materials design methodology.
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Citations for Center publications and links to the papers.

Center for Inverse Design Highlights

Read short descriptions of some recent successes by researchers within the Center for Inverse Design, an Energy Research Frontier Center led by the National Renewable Energy Laboratory.
Download latest chart of efficiencies determined by certified agencies/labs of best research solar cells worldwide from 1976 to present for various PV technologies; check explanatory notes (from National Renewable Energy Laboratory, USA).

Research Cell Efficiency Records

Download the latest chart of efficiencies determined by certified agencies and labs of best research solar cells worldwide from 1976 to present for various PV technologies; check the explanatory notes from the National Renewable Energy Laboratory, USA.